Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q2 2024)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Kevin Johnson
Patient Age: 57
Admission Date: 02/16/24
Admitted From: t. John’s Riverside Hospital
Discharge Date: 06/26/24
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: 130 Days
Reason For Stay: Right Below Knee Amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: From the kidney specialist at St. John’s

Details of Experience:

Mr. Kevin Johnson arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on a chilly winter morning, consumed by thoughts, worry, and doubt. After a brief recovery period at St. John’s Hospital, he began this next phase of his journey on February 16th.

A person can have many different thoughts after going through something as life-changing as an amputation, and Kevin wasn’t sure how to feel. “When I first came in, I really tried to keep to myself and do as many things as I could for myself. I stayed pretty quiet and just focused on my therapy each day to be able to go home as soon as possible,” Kevin shared. Mr. Johnson’s outlook on his circumstances completely shifted a couple of weeks later.

Mr. Johnson was uncomfortable with his new situation but adapted extremely fast. “Omar really helped me and encouraged me to get involved with different things that were going on in the community. We had a painting group where we all painted the same picture, and it was really cool to see the differences in everyone’s paintings. We also did some gardening and planting, which got me thinking about when I used to garden with my mother, and it brought back plenty of good memories,” Mr. Johnson explained with a smile. With some help from the staff and his newly shifted outlook, Kevin was ready to set some goals and accomplish them all. Along with his therapists, Kevin set goals, including walking with a walker twenty-five feet, putting on and taking off his prosthesis independently, and changing his dressings independently.

Only two weeks into therapy Mr. Johnson was making a ton of progress. He could change his dressings properly while only being supervised, and he could also progress from walking ten feet with maximal assistance to walking twenty-five feet with only moderate assistance. Kevin continued to stay focused on his goals, and currently, he is walking two hundred feet with a walker, and he can put on and take off his prosthesis without assistance. “There are so many great people down there in therapy. Vincent, Eric, Emily, Manuela, and Joel are amazing and greatly pushed me. They’re some of the most down-to-earth people, and that really helped me accomplish everything I wanted,” Kevin shared. Through all his progress, Mr. Johnson became a leader for many amputee residents. Kevin Johnson had an inspiring journey in Sans Souci and his impact quickly spread to staff and residents alike.

Mr. Johnson was discharged extremely excited, back to his home on June 26th. After a few ups and downs initially, Kevin quickly adjusted to his new surroundings, and he credits many of the staff with helping him feel comfortable. “Cassidy, Sherry, and Jamie are some of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. Before I moved upstairs, Sherry really encouraged me and made sure I was focused on doing what I should be doing,” Kevin explained. “I started to shift my mindset with Sherry’s help on the first floor, and I just continued to progress with Jaime’s help once I moved upstairs.” The team can’t wait to see Kevin again when he comes to visit the many friends he made while in the community. The team at Sans Souci does not doubt that Kevin is an amazing person who will accomplish anything he puts his mind to. Best of health and good wishes.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q1 2024)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Lascelles Callum
Patient Age: 68
Admission Date: 02/26/24
Admitted From: Mount Sinai
Discharge Date: 03/27/24
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: 31 Days
Reason For Stay: Joint Replacement Surgery
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Dr. Mehta

Details of Experience:

Mr. Lascelles Callum arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on a chilly winter night in February. Before the surgery, Dr. Mehta spoke to Lascelles about the need for aftercare, and they spoke about Sans Souci. Mr. Callum had heard of this name a few times and even knew a former staff member, so he tried it out.

At first, Lascelles was unsure and uncomfortable with the new transition, but that quickly changed. “Naomi John, the nursing supervisor, was the first person I met, and she made me feel comfortable. After that, all the CNAs were friendly and accommodating, which allowed me to focus all my energy on therapy and getting better,” Mr. Callum shared. By the end of his first week, Mr. Callum’s attitude completely changed from how he felt when he arrived.

Mr. Callum’s first week was filled with highlights that helped him become comfortable with his new surroundings. “Bernice, the financial coordinator, met with me immediately and helped me figure out my insurance. She was an angel, and she could help me with everything I needed, which eased my anxiety a lot,” shared Mr. Callum. “Anytime I asked for anything, I was quickly taken care of. Omar Garcia was also instrumental in making me feel comfortable and hopeful for the future,” Lascelles explained. With all these positive experiences, Lascelles could enjoy the activities and focus appropriately on his therapy. With all this positivity in mind, he met with the Physical and Occupational therapy team and set goals to accomplish during his stay.

Two weeks later, Mr. Callum had achieved his goals and was already setting new ones. His initial goals included ambulating 75 feet, transferring out of and into the wheelchair, and being able to walk up 13 steps while being supervised. After two short weeks, Lascelles had easily conquered all of these goals. He could walk 150 feet while being supervised and perform transfers independently, only requiring set-up assistance. He was also able to walk up 13 stairs, a considerable improvement from not being able to ascend any stairs when he arrived in the community.

When asked how he could make so much progress so fast, Mr. Callum smiled and pointed to Christine Divinagracia, his Rehab therapist. “Christine was an amazing trainer. She would always push me to get better, and thank God I listened because now we’re going home,” Lascelles shared with a smile. Only one week after that, he had already crushed his second set of goals. With all the incredible progress under his belt, he could focus on discharging home.

Mr. Callum will leave Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on March 27th. He is extremely excited to be returning home to his life and reconnecting with his friends. His daughter visits weekly and will be pivotal during this next transition to home. “At first, I was uncomfortable with all the changes, moving from my house to a nursing home, and all the work I had to do. After spending some time in Sans Souci with Christine teaching me what to do, and with Bernice and Omar constantly keeping my spirits up, I am confident in my ability to make this next transition,” Lascelles shared ecstatically. “I will miss all the activities, such as Omar bringing little animals, like goats and rabbits, to my room. I would wholeheartedly recommend Sans Souci to anyone who needs a place to recuperate and get back to normal,” Mr. Callum said.

After seeing what he was capable of in therapy, we have no doubts that Mr. Callum can accomplish anything he puts his mind to. We wish him nothing but the best in his upcoming chapter, and we can’t wait to see what Mr. Callum conquers next.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q4 2023)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Christina Harris
Patient Age: 62
Admission Date: 09/15/23
Admitted From: White Plains Hospital
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: TBD
Reason For Stay: Muscle weakness & lack of coordination

Details of Experience:

Ms. Christina Harris arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center feeling slightly unsettled with her circumstances on September 15, 2023. Ms. Harris was transferred from White Plains Hospital, where they treated her well, but she still felt anxious about the journey ahead. She had fallen at home due to her muscle weakness and lack of coordination. Christina arrived at Sans Souci feeling uncertain but motivated to get going on the journey ahead. By the end of her first week, Christina’s entire mindset had shifted, and she was a whole new person.

Christina felt uneasy about her abilities when she first arrived, but that all changed quickly. When she was first wheeled into the community on a stretcher, a few nurses were sitting at the nurse’s station who waved and greeted her. This friendliness, along with Omar Garcia, a recreational therapist who was one of the first people she met, also made her feel a lot better. “Omar is a breath of fresh air; he helped me feel more positive and hopeful. Recreation is amazing, and Omar being one of the “first impressions” of the community is awesome,” she exclaimed, smiling. With all this renewed hope, Christina was ready to set some goals with the therapy team, including transferring out of bed with moderate assistance and walking 30 feet with a walker.

Only a few weeks later, Ms. Harris had crushed her goals and already established new ones with the therapy team. She went from needing maximum assistance with transfers to only needing minimal assistance. Christina also progressed from needing maximum assistance to walk 5 feet with a rolling walker to only needing moderate assistance to walk 60 feet.

“Melvin Panameno and Kristine Tan were a godsend; bonding with Melvin about growing up in Queens helped me keep my spirits up during therapy,” Ms. Harris shared. “Another moment that stuck out during my stay was the Dinner with the Chef. It was an amazing dinner, and Omar gave a heartwarming speech about how we’re all one big family. I even began to cry thinking about my roommate, who was leaving the next day,” Christina said. Ms. Harris may have arrived feeling uncertain, but now she definitely feels like part of the family.

Ms. Harris will be discharged home in the next few weeks and will only need a few hours of assistance from an aide at home. She is extremely excited about returning to her life and seeing all the friends who supported her throughout her stay.

Christina lives in a close-knit community that she can’t wait to return to. “The advice I always give is to get involved with what goes on in the community. You never know what kind of impact any staff member can make unless you’re open to it,” Christina shared. We hope to see Ms. Harris soon to visit all the friends she made in the community, both staff and residents.

We know Ms. Harris will continue to spread positivity in whatever she does, and we wish her the best.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q3 2023)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Luis Lugo
Patient Age: 64
Admission Date: 09/05/23
Admitted From: New York Presbyterian
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: TBD
Reason For Stay: Right Below-knee amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Daughter spoke to our amazing marketer

Details of Experience:

Mr. Luis Lugo arrived at Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on a surprisingly sunny day in September. He arrived from New York Presbyterian Hospital on September 5th, ready to face his upcoming journey. The hospital helped Mr. Lugo immensely with preparing himself mentally for the ups and downs he was about to face. He spent three weeks in the hospital and has nothing but nice things to say about the staff. “There was an ambulette driver that I was very close to, and the staff there treated you so well that you would never want to leave,” Mr. Lugo shared. Mr. Lugo arrived with a right below-knee amputation, motivated to put himself first for once. Little did anyone know that his situation would get worse before it got better.

Within his first few days at Sans Souci, Mr. Lugo lost his brother, and his motivation quickly dissipated. He couldn’t focus on his journey ahead while trying to process this huge loss. This all changed when Luis met his roommate, who, surprisingly enough, had the same name as his brother. “After I heard one of the therapists say my roommate’s name, it’s like a switch flipped inside me. I became very protective over him, and I could finally focus on myself again,” Mr. Lugo said with a smile. This renewed Mr. Lugo’s motivation to progress and focus on himself. Luis met with the therapy team, and together, they identified some goals he could achieve quickly. This included improving strength in both his legs individually and transferring himself with little supervision. With his new goals in mind, Luis was ready to do anything necessary to return home.

After only three short weeks at Sans Souci, Luis had crushed his goals and already set new ones with the therapists. He improved the strength in both legs from a 2/5 to a 4/5 to prepare himself for working with a prosthetic. He also improved his transferring abilities to the point where he is completely independent. When speaking about his progress, Mr. Lugo can’t help but mention his therapists, Eric Moore and Christine Divinagracia. “These therapists really keep you on track and moving. They push you to do anything you can, and they’re amazing at keeping your spirits up,” Mr. Lugo shared.

When Luis first arrived, he didn’t have a great mindset. The difference between his mindset then and now is like night and day. Therapy quickly became Mr. Lugo’s favorite part of the day, and he became solely focused on getting strong enough to go home. Luis Lugo will be returning home one day within the next few weeks as he continues to take strides every day in therapy. He won’t require any services at home, and he is ecstatic to get back to his wife and two kids. Luis may have experienced some dark times at Sans Souci, but it will always hold a special place in his heart. “Sans Souci has been really great. There are so many staff members who love to be happy, and they encourage the residents to be happy as well. All the staff work together to keep the residents okay and in good spirits. The conversations and interactions between the staff can often be better than what’s on TV,” Mr. Lugo shared, smiling. Luis has always been a very well-thought-out individual and someone who always did things for himself. The staff at Sans Souci have absolutely no doubt that Mr. Lugo will take everything he learned here and continue to improve his mind and body like he always has.

We wish him nothing but the best and await the positive updates that will inevitably come from him.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q2 2023)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Jamie Randol
Patient Age: 80
Admission Date: 05/22/23
Admitted From: St. John’s Riverside Hospital- Dobbs Ferry Pavilion
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: TBD
Reason For Stay: Tendon Tear in the Right Thigh
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Dr. Mehta

Details of Experience:

Ms. Jamie Randol arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center after an up-and-down few weeks, on May 22nd, 2023. She had undergone a knee replacement just a short time earlier in St. John’s Riverside Hospital. Ms. Randol worked hard daily to improve, and progress quickly began to show. One day, however, Jamie suffered a fall and tore a tendon in her right thigh. It was extremely difficult for Ms. Randol started the process of therapy and healing all over again. With the help of her surgeon, Dr. Mehta, she began moving forward once again. Jamie always kept her eyes on the prize and stayed focused on what it would take to go home. With Dr. Mehta’s recommendation, Ms. Randol decided that Sans Souci was the best possible next step in her journey.

When Ms. Randol arrived at Sans Souci, she was a little uncertain about adjusting to a new home and beginning the process again. “I recall sitting outside and watching people walk by, and I would think, they don’t know how lucky they are. However, the nursing aides were all extremely helpful in making me feel comfortable and confident in my abilities,” Jamie shared. Ms. Randol also credits her roommate with helping her feel comfortable from day one. “My roommate and I bonded from the first day,” she explained. “She has been amazing; we always hang out together and help each other through this difficult time”. With encouragement from the staff and her roommate, she was ready to set goals. These goals included helping her stand supported for at least thirty seconds and transferring on her own.

Ms. Randol first arrived at Sans Souci unable to stand while supported and totally dependent on staff to help her move around. Three weeks later, Ms. Randol could stand for five straight minutes while only receiving a little support. She can also complete functional transfers with good safety awareness, with only moderate assistance.

Jamie can’t stop talking about her therapists when asked about pivotal people in her journey. “Kristine and Melvin are so amazing and helpful. Whenever I go to the gym, I never wait for the staff to notice me. They know that I’m coming, and they know what we’re going to try today. They also allow me to guide the services towards what I feel I may need”. Ms. Randol also loves going to activities with her roommate and other residents. The daily chronicles given out in the morning and bingo almost every other day also motivates Jamie to get up and go each day.

Ms. Randol will be discharged home before July 4th, after which we can arrange an aide to help her at home. She is extremely excited to return to the tight-knit community that she calls home. She is so happy to see all her neighbors who have been instrumental in caring for her belongings while she’s been improving. Jamie is a bit nervous about going home again and being completely independent, but the therapists have prepared her well. “Everyone from the therapy staff to the recreation staff always made a huge deal about my therapy accomplishments,” She shared. “This always encouraged me to keep going and feel confident in my own abilities to act independently.” These things allow Jamie to feel comfortable with the prospect of living alone.

We wish Ms. Randol nothing but the best and hope she continues to succeed in her journey.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q1 2023)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Marcena Pollitt
Patient Age: 89
Admission Date: 01/19/23
Admitted From: NYU Langone Hospital
Discharge Date: 03/30/23
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: 74 days
Reason For Stay: Right Above-Knee-Amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Our Exceptional Marketer

Details of Experience:

Ms. Marcena Pollitt arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on January 19th, 2023. After a sudden accident, and a tumultuous stay at NYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn, Marcena was faced with a decision. She could either amputate her leg or continue trying to make it work, keeping both of her feet. After two weeks, Marcena and her family decided to proceed with the right above-the-knee amputation. Marcena was also inspired by another resident in the hospital who had just experienced an amputation of their own. “I looked out into the hallway one day, and I saw this resident running down the hallway. He had just undergone an amputation but was running down the hallway at full sprint. This really showed me how close I could get to one hundred percent, and motivated me to get there,” she shared. Her daughter then received a call from three-time paralympic gold medalists, Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler. After speaking with Todd and Dennis, Ms. Pollitt and her family decided that Sans Souci was the only home for her.

When Ms. Pollitt first arrived at Sans Souci, she was feeling a little unsettled. She thought the community and staff seemed nice, but she didn’t really know what to expect. She had questioned our amazing marketer and Dennis and Todd about some things she could expect to see in the nursing home. However, she was still in a bit of a fog when she arrived and was feeling anxious about the road ahead. The first people Marcena met were her amazing therapists, and they helped to put her at ease. “My therapists saw me within my first few hours in Sans Souci. They discussed my therapy plan and explained what my daily schedule would look like,” Marcena explained. Together with the therapists, Marcena created some reachable goals for the beginning of her stay. These goals included walking or hopping 150 feet with only modified independence, and performing sit to stand transfers with contact guard assistance. By the time her second week rolled around, Marcena had crushed her goals and showed no signs of slowing down.

Only three short weeks later Ms. Pollitt had accomplished her goals and sat down with the therapists to establish new ones. She progressed from being able to sit-to-stand transfer with minimum assistance and 25% verbal cues from therapists to standing on her own with a therapist for stand-by assistance. She also progressed from needing minimum assistance for transfers out of her wheelchair, or out of the bed, to needing only standby assistance. In the beginning Marcena needed minimum assistance and 50% verbal cues to ambulate 30 feet. After just two weeks, she could ambulate 50 feet with only contact-guard assistance.

Two weeks after that, she progressed to ambulating 75 feet completely independently. When asked who really impacted her stay, Marcena smiles and points to the recreation staff. “Omar and Jennifer in the recreation department are wonderful. They’re always around to offer encouragement and activities. They have been so gracious about providing me with art supplies and other things to do” Marcena shared. “I also can’t say enough about the therapy staff. Kyra, Christine, and Juliana are wonderful and very kind. They’re very encouraging, but they never push too much. With some light coaxing from them, I began to push myself, and it showed”.

Ms. Pollitt and the team could not be happier with her quick journey, especially because her children are waiting for her at home. Ms. Pollitt will be leaving Sans Souci on March 30th, 2023. She is very excited about going home but a little nervous about the upcoming changes. There are many things that she’s never had to think about before, such as which side of the bed to get off or which foot to put down first. This worries her a little, but just as with everything else she’s done, we have faith that Marcena will figure it out. She has been through a lot in the past few months, and she’s still able to keep calm and stay level-headed. No matter what was happening to her, she always encouraged others to try harder in therapy. She’s even already set up where she will go for therapy once she leaves Sans Souci. Marcena has always been a very independent person, and we have full confidence in her abilities. We can’t wait to watch her continue to progress and inspire people at home.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q4 2022)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf

Patient Name: Robert Blass

Patient Age: 48

Admission Date: 11/03/22

Admitted From: Montefiore Medical Center

Discharge Date: TBD

Discharge To: Home

Length Of Stay: TBD

Reason For Stay: Right Above-Knee-Amputation

How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Our Exceptional Marketer

Details of Experience:

Robert Blass arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab on 11/03/22. After a challenging stay in Montefiore Medical Center, Robert came with a renewed sense of vigor and motivation for the journey ahead. He had to stay in the hospital for an extra month because of a bad fall he had there. Robert had a right above-knee amputation and knew he would have to find somewhere for therapy. That’s when our amazing marketer, Ivy, walked in and talked about the many spectacular residents that work with our amputee walking school. Ivy and Robert then face timed with 3-time paralympic gold medalists and the 2 people who would change Robert’s life, Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler.

After a phone call that motivated Robert even more, he decided the right place for him would have to be Sans Souci. Mr. Blass arrived at Sans Souci and quickly adjusted to his new surroundings. The first person he met was our fantastic CNA, Bridgette. “Bridgette was really amazing, and she’s on top of everything. No matter who you are or how much you speak with her, she always knows what you need,” Robert shared. He also met the recreation team right away and developed a special bond with them. He became an honorary member of the recreation team when he helped them make a ton of decorations for the holiday season. What started as a way to keep Robert’s mind busy quickly turned into something he enjoyed and looked forward to doing. It was then time for Robert to sit down with the therapy team and come up with some goals for him to strive for.

They identified goals and therapy plans to improve his balance, to improve his leg strength, and to improve his ability to transfer. After a few short weeks, Robert was crushing all his goals. He was able to stand for two minutes without support, a major improvement from the beginning when he had to be supported to stand. He also improved from barely being able to walk 10 feet with moderate assistance to being able to walk 60 feet with only contact guard assistance. Mr. Blass can also now perform functional transfers by himself, an improvement from the start when he needed a lot of supervision to do it safely. When asked about his therapy experience, Robert can’t stop smiling. “Joel is definitely the best Director of Therapy that I’ve ever seen run a team, and it definitely shows in my progress,” Mr. Blass shared. “Eric Moore and Angel Regalado, my therapists, also played a big part in my progress. The therapists really work with you and discuss why they’re doing what they do”.

Robert Blass will be discharged back home real soon, and a lot of our staff and residents will miss him. He is looking for a place close to Sans Souci to continue therapy once he leaves because he’d like to stay close. He’s going to continue to help our recreation team with their decorations and activities in his free time. He also wants to stay close to all his friends that he made here at Sans Souci. Robert has really become a motivational image for many of the residents at Sans Souci. Being able to see someone like Mr. Blass has made a huge impact on residents and staff alike. He’s had motivational discussions with a lot of our residents that were truly impactful and changed how hard they were working.

We wish him nothing but success and happiness in everything he does, but we know anything he does, he does it right.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q3 2022)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Anna Gargiulo
Patient Age: 63
Admission Date: 08/04/22
Admission From: St. John’s Riverside Hospital
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharge To: Home
Length of Stay: TBD
Reason For Stay: Right Below Knee Amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci? Her Surgeon Recommended It

Details of Experience:

Anna Gargiulo arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on August 4th after a stressful stay in the Hospital. Anna came from St. John’s Riverside Hospital after receiving a right below-knee amputation (BKA). After the amputation, her surgeon recommended Sans Souci as an excellent place to receive therapy and build strength. She was also visited by Dennis Oehler, a three-time Paralympic Gold Medalist and an integral part of the Sans Souci team. When asked for the main reason she chose Sans Souci, Anna smiled and pointed to Dennis. “He was really the reason I chose Sans Souci; he was very relatable and clearly explained how Sans Souci could help,” she shared. After discussing it with her surgeon and Dennis, she arrived at Sans Souci more motivated than ever and confident in her upcoming journey.

When Anna first came into Sans Souci, she wasn’t too happy with how long it would take to achieve success. This all changed when she met Omar Garcia, one of Sans Souci’s amazing recreational therapists. When talking about the beginning of her stay, all Anna can talk about is Omar, “Omar really has the patience of an angel. You see him walk around, and he never changes, he constantly displays his amazing character with every person he talks to,” she said. As she got closer to Omar, she decided to give the rest of the staff the benefit of the doubt, just like she had with Omar. She quickly became a part of the Sans Souci family, advocating for other residents and hanging out with the staff. Her confidence in herself rubbed off on many residents, and she constantly encouraged other residents to push themselves.

Anna couldn’t wait to do therapy; it quickly became her favorite part of her stay. She pushed herself daily to do the most she could, and it became noticeable. After only a few short weeks in therapy, Anna was already crushing the goals that she and the therapy team had decided on. She had progressed from needing assistance to completely being able to perform bed mobility tasks on her own. She was also able to walk 20 feet with only moderate assistance, a big jump from the 10 feet with maximum assistance she was originally able to do. When Anna first came in, the therapy team decided that practicing stairs would have to wait until Anna built up some more strength. Three weeks later, she can do five steps with only moderate assistance. Therapy quickly became Anna’s favorite thing, and the therapists quickly became her favorite people. “Eric is so patient and diligent in his work, he also has a great bedside manner, I definitely don’t think I would’ve come this far without him,” she elaborated.

The awareness and focus Anna brought into each day and the motivation you could clearly see on her face were an inspiration to the whole Sans Souci family. Anna is unsure when she will be discharged, but every day she gets closer. Since day one, she has had her eyes on the prize and her mind on only one goal: to be better than the day before. Anna was very close to her therapists, Eric and Chet. “Chet and I had different views in the beginning about my therapy, but as time passed and he displayed confidence in what he was saying, we slowly started to meet in the middle,” Anna said. “His constant encouragement and motivation really fueled me, and he was flexible enough to make me feel comfortable about my therapy.” There is no doubt that Anna will carry the same mindset she had here when she goes home and continue to improve every day.

The Sans Souci family will definitely feel a little incomplete when Anna goes home, but we wish her all the best, and we will always be here for anything she may need.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q2 2022)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Age: 53
Admission Date: 04/07/22
Admission From: St. John’s Riverside Hospital
Discharge Date: 06/29/22
Discharge To: Home
Length of Stay: 82 days
Reason For Stay: Left below knee amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci? Our amazing marketer

Details of Experience:

Eric Martin arrived at Sans Souci on April 7, 2022, after a tumultuous hospitalization at St. John’s Riverside Hospital. Eric was diagnosed with gangrene in four of his five toes. Mr. Martin was then given a choice to try and fight the gangrene, even though he couldn’t really move and didn’t feel well, or have his leg amputated. Eric made his decision, and after an extensive five surgeries, to have his leg amputated. Although amputating a leg is a life-changing event, Eric felt renewed energy after the surgery. Now, with the surgeries behind him, he could focus on his next steps. After discussing it with his family, he determined that Sans Souci would be that next step.

During the first few days of his stay, Eric’s excitement about his next steps started to lessen. Eric tried to keep his expectations low, expecting his recovery to span five to six months. Eric was greeted by multiple therapists, administration staff, and a few CNAs that Eric really bonded with during his stay. “Jennifer, the recreational therapy director, really cheered me up as well as the amazing CNAs, Bridgette, and Marcelo.” Along with the amazing therapy team, Eric set some manageable goals to accomplish during his stay. These goals included standing while being supported for 30-60 seconds, doing sit-to-stand transfers with moderate assistance, and being able to propel himself 30 feet in a wheelchair with moderate assistance. He was slightly discouraged when he saw he wouldn’t be able to do too many exercises without being able to stand. Looking back, he now credits those “small exercises” that he did with his therapists with what helped him transition so seamlessly into doing therapy with a prosthetic. After three weeks, Eric had crushed his first goals and was already updating them to keep pushing himself. He could already stand supported for 60 seconds, propel himself in the wheelchair 40 feet with minimal assistance, and ultimately transfer from sitting to standing and back again. Therapy started off difficult, but it quickly became Eric’s favorite part of his day. “The therapists were always so encouraging without ever pushing me to do anything I didn’t want to do. Christine, one of my therapists, was amazing at coming up with exercises for me to do whenever I was discouraged,” Eric shared. “Omar, one of the recreational therapists, also really kept me on my toes. There were some mornings I would tell him I didn’t want to do anything, and he would just say, ‘well, let me give you something fun to do while you’re doing nothing”.

Eric Martin will be discharged home from Sans Souci on June 29. A stay that he thought would last about half of a year turned out to be less than three months. Eric walked right out the front door, only a week after his friend and former Sans Souci resident, John, walked out himself. Although a nursing home was never a position Eric thought he’d find himself in, he’s happy to have gone through this and made some lifelong friends. One such friend is Jared, the CNA he credits with always ensuring he was taken care of. “Jared was a huge help, always paying attention to my needs, and always timely with a response, Eric said. You can really tell when he’s not here”. We at Sans Souci are so happy for Eric and proud of the work he’s put in. He’s extremely excited to go home, and his wife and kids are ecstatic to bring him home. Eric has already started researching places he can go for therapy from home.

Along with the memories and tools Eric acquired here, Sans Souci wishes Eric all the best in his future endeavors.

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Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q1 2022)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Resident Name: David Patteson
Resident Age: 53
Admission Date: 09/23/21
Admitted From: Montefiore Hospital
Discharge Date: Impending
Discharged To: Impending
Length of Stay: Impending
Reason for Stay: Severe Pneumonia
How did the resident hear about Sans Souci? The patient’s physician in the hospital referred the patient

Details of Experience:

When David Patterson acquired pneumonia in September of 2021, it was time for the teacher to become the student. After teaching and connecting with his students for years, it was time for Mr. Patterson to learn a few things himself, as his students affectionately call him. He spent some time in Montefiore Hospital, which included changing rooms often. All the movement and being unaware of what would happen during the transition caused David to be anxious and confused. That all changed when David arrived at Sans Souci.

On arrival, David had low expectations. From day one, Bridgette, one of the amazing certified nursing aides at Sans Souci, saw that David needed some extra TLC. Bridgette proceeded to cheer him up and anticipate his every concern, creating a close bond between the two of them. “What I liked about her was that I could see she was aware of my needs and knew how to guide me to do things for myself. She was very attentive and anticipated my needs like a mother hen.” David shared. With some support from Bridgette, the first-day jitters were gone, and David was ready for therapy.

The therapy team set some short-term goals, including transferring from the bed to the wheelchair, using the bathroom by himself, and performing lower body dressings. Although Mr. Patterson knew how to motivate others, it was a struggle to give his all to the therapy team in those first few days. Chatrun, his favorite therapist, had a lot to say about David. “He always pushed himself in the gym, he was always happy to take advice from any of the therapists to improve. He’s an all-around great guy, super-nice, and always trying to help others”. This strong bond kept David motivated and ready to improve every time he stepped into the gym.

Within three weeks, David had already progressed from minimal assistance to set up assistance for going to the bathroom and doing his lower body dressings. He also improved to standing with assistance for transferring from the bed to the wheelchair. After blazing through his short-term goals, David sat down with the therapy team to begin work on his long-term goals. His long-term goals included improving his bed mobility without the help of the side rails, being able to walk two hundred feet with an adaptive device, and increasing his balance for all his daily activities. Building on his momentum from his short-term goals and with some encouragement from Chatrun, David pushed himself even more to complete his long-term goals.

When Mr. Patterson was discharged from therapy, he had accomplished all his goals. He went from needing contact guard assistance and 25% verbal cues to being completely independent in terms of his bed mobility. He also progressed from only being able to walk fifteen feet with some assistance to being able to walk an unlimited distance with an adaptive device. Next, he improved his balance from poor+ to good. David credits the Recreational Therapy Director, Jennifer, with providing much of the psycho-social motivation he needed. “I’ve always loved to sing, and as soon as Jen found out, she wouldn’t take no for an answer, always encouraging me to perform for the other residents. Even though I wasn’t breathing too well at the time, I decided to give it a shot. The next thing you know, I had sung the whole song, and everyone loved it. She really pushed me to get out of my own way. Jennifer reminded me that you never know what you’re capable of.” David said.

When facing some of life’s challenges, David shared it can be difficult to keep a positive mindset. When asked how he was able to stay positive, Dave points to Daniel, the Concierge. “As someone who has worked with people his whole life, I was very impressed with how engaging he was. From person to person, room to room, smiles follow wherever he goes. It was nice to see a staff member have a mindset of ‘these are my people, and they need me.'” With the help of a few key staff members in Sans Souci, David was able to help himself and inspire other residents. In February of 2022, he brought in a friend to help him lead an art class in honor of Black History Month. David originally came to Sans Souci out of necessity, but he became a member of the Sans Souci family. The Team at Sans Souci knows firsthand how much of a positive impact. Mr. Patterson can have on a person, and the team is grateful for being a part of his healthcare journey.

The team wishes Mr. Patterson all the best.

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