Patient’s Age: 60
Admission Date: 2/1/2017
Admitted From: Brooklyn VA
Discharge Date: 4/24/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 82 Days
Reason for Stay: Bilateral Below the Knee Amputee
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci? Amputee Walking School
Details of Experience:
Ronald was admitted to Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on February 1st, 2017 with an admitting diagnosis of bilateral below-the-knee-amputation (BKA). When Ronald was initially assessed by our rehabilitation department, he exhibited pain, deconditioning and was non-weight bearing on his left lower extremity and WBAT on his right lower extremity. Ronald presented with a prosthetic for his right leg; however, the socket was too large and destabilizing to support him. Ronald required extensive assistance of one person for bed mobility and functional transfers. Despite being physically impaired, Ronald did not allow his obstacles to hinder his healing as he was a very determined individual with the intent of being able to walk with his two prosthesis and continue to live independently.
While at Sans Souci, Ronald met Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler from the signature Amputee Walking School program, exclusive to the CareRite Centers Network. Todd and Dennis, world renowned Paralympic gold medalists, have recreated the paradigm of amputee support care by offering counseling, education and training for those considering an amputation or whom have undergone the procedure in the past.
Ronald was subsequently in great spirits and only continued to improve when he received his prosthetic device for his left leg. Shortly thereafter, while participating in intensive rehabilitation, Ronald had built the necessary strength and stamina to ambulate with a rolling walker up to 60 feet, ascended/descended eight steps, and performed upright functional transfers with minimal assistance. He was also independent with prosthesis management, completing routine skin checks daily selfsufficiently.
While at Sans Souci, Ronald participated in recreational programming, often recognized as the friendly, smiling individual you would cross paths with in the hallway. On April 24th 2017, Ronald was approved by the clinical team for discharge as he was able to ambulate on a single point cane in the community on level surfaces excess of 250 Feet. Additionally, he was ascending/descending 15 feet with great anticipatory reaction, and proper dynamic balance and endurance. Ronald shared that he was extremely grateful for the incredible nursing and rehabilitation team at Sans Souci, Todd and Dennis from the Amputee Walking School, and for all the hard work and dedication they put into him and thereby allowing him to go home and live an improved quality of life prior to his hospitalization.