Patient’s Age: 61
Admission Date: 1/18/16
Admitted From: St. Joseph’s Hospital
Discharge Date: 2/24/16
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 37 Days
Reason for Stay: L Knee Replacement
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci? Hospital
Details of Experience:
Alejandro was admitted to Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on January 18, 2016 with a Left Knee Replacement, muscle weakness, Difficulty in walking, and Osteoarthritis. When The Therapy team assessed Alejandro, he exhibited a new onset of decrease in strength, decrease in transfers, decrease in functional mobility, poor range of motion, reduced ADL participation and reduced static and dynamic balance indicating the need for skilled services to facilitate Alejandro with all functional mobility, minimize falls, increase his strength, improve his functional activity tolerance, enhance fall recovery abilities, facilitate anticipatory reactions, promote safety awareness and to improve his dynamic balance.
Throughout his stay at Sans Souci, Alejandro was a saint of a resident. He helped other residents out where he can provide his assistance and he even moved floors to accommodate others in the Facility as per his request. Alejandro made exponential improvement as he worked tirelessly at the Rehabilitation Gym with his Therapists. Upon Discharge from Sans Souci, Alejandro was able to perform bed mobility and functional transfers totally independent, able to ambulate unlimited distances without an adaptive Device exhibiting a normal gait pattern with no falls or any loss of balance. Alejandro also was finally able to navigate a normal set of stairs with one railing as that is what he has at home when he gets home.