Patient’s Age: 68
Admission Date: 1/20/15
Admitted From: St John’s Hospital
Discharge Date: 3/7/15
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 46 days
Reason for Stay: Knee replacement
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci? Hospital
Details of Experience:
Ramona was admitted from St John’s Hospital to Sans Souci on January 20 2015. She was admitted here to rehab her knee after having a Knee Replacement. Ramona, well before her arrival here, couldn’t really stand without pain, let alone walk. The patient was in an extraordinary amount of pain, where our nursing staff had ice packs on her knee twice a day, and had everyone’s attention the whole day. When she came to our Rehab gym, her first day here, she could hardly do any exercises. After a couple weeks in Rehab, Ramona started improving drastically. She began to stand for a period of time without being in pain, and eventually started to walk with assistance. The patient was a very religious lady. She would talk about G-d and His existence, and telling everyone how they have to believe in G-d. For many of our ailing residents, Ramona was a breath of fresh air to talk too. Slowly but surely, Ramona started to get better with the nurses and the rehab staff, and she was on her way to a complete recovery. Thanks to our amazing nursing and rehab staff, the patient was discharged on March 7 with full mobility.