Patient’s Age: 89
Admission Date: 5/24/17
Admitted From: Saint Joseph Medical Center
Discharge Date: 7/26/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 63 Days
Reason for Stay: CVA
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci? Referral from Hospital
Details of Experience:
Yolanda was admitted to Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on May 24th 2017 from Saint Joseph Medical Center with an admitting diagnosis of a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) with Severe Dysphagia. Upon the initial assessment from our Rehabilitation Department in which Yolanda primarily worked with our speech department, she presented with severe oral phase dysphagia, which was characterized by severely reduced lingual and labial strength and range of motion. Yolanda had difficulty holding any liquids or solids in her mouth along with difficulty swallowing. Due to these restrictions, Yolanda acquired nutrition through a peg tube.
Yolanda had very limited verbal output, mainly communicating with writing on a notepad and using hand signs to deliver her messages. As her therapy progressed, Yolanda worked with the speech language pathology completing various thermal, tactile and sensory therapy paired with Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) / Neuroprosthetics and oral motor exercises to increase lingual and labial strength along with her range of motion. While being proficient expressing herself through non-verbal communications, Yolanda tried very hard to get her speech back. As Yolanda was being discharged from Speech Therapy, her diet was upgraded to a soft diet with thin liquid consistency. Along with this, Yolanda’s communication skills increased from non-verbal to conversational speech as evidenced by being able to process complex thoughts/ideas at ease.
Yolanda was so thankful to Shampa, SLP, who worked very hard in creating this miracle of restoring Yolanda with something that she did not ever think she would get back!