Case Study: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q2 2024)

Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Kevin Johnson
Patient Age: 57
Admission Date: 02/16/24
Admitted From: t. John’s Riverside Hospital
Discharge Date: 06/26/24
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: 130 Days
Reason For Stay: Right Below Knee Amputation
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: From the kidney specialist at St. John’s

Details of Experience:

Mr. Kevin Johnson arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on a chilly winter morning, consumed by thoughts, worry, and doubt. After a brief recovery period at St. John’s Hospital, he began this next phase of his journey on February 16th.

A person can have many different thoughts after going through something as life-changing as an amputation, and Kevin wasn’t sure how to feel. “When I first came in, I really tried to keep to myself and do as many things as I could for myself. I stayed pretty quiet and just focused on my therapy each day to be able to go home as soon as possible,” Kevin shared. Mr. Johnson’s outlook on his circumstances completely shifted a couple of weeks later.

Mr. Johnson was uncomfortable with his new situation but adapted extremely fast. “Omar really helped me and encouraged me to get involved with different things that were going on in the community. We had a painting group where we all painted the same picture, and it was really cool to see the differences in everyone’s paintings. We also did some gardening and planting, which got me thinking about when I used to garden with my mother, and it brought back plenty of good memories,” Mr. Johnson explained with a smile. With some help from the staff and his newly shifted outlook, Kevin was ready to set some goals and accomplish them all. Along with his therapists, Kevin set goals, including walking with a walker twenty-five feet, putting on and taking off his prosthesis independently, and changing his dressings independently.

Only two weeks into therapy Mr. Johnson was making a ton of progress. He could change his dressings properly while only being supervised, and he could also progress from walking ten feet with maximal assistance to walking twenty-five feet with only moderate assistance. Kevin continued to stay focused on his goals, and currently, he is walking two hundred feet with a walker, and he can put on and take off his prosthesis without assistance. “There are so many great people down there in therapy. Vincent, Eric, Emily, Manuela, and Joel are amazing and greatly pushed me. They’re some of the most down-to-earth people, and that really helped me accomplish everything I wanted,” Kevin shared. Through all his progress, Mr. Johnson became a leader for many amputee residents. Kevin Johnson had an inspiring journey in Sans Souci and his impact quickly spread to staff and residents alike.

Mr. Johnson was discharged extremely excited, back to his home on June 26th. After a few ups and downs initially, Kevin quickly adjusted to his new surroundings, and he credits many of the staff with helping him feel comfortable. “Cassidy, Sherry, and Jamie are some of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. Before I moved upstairs, Sherry really encouraged me and made sure I was focused on doing what I should be doing,” Kevin explained. “I started to shift my mindset with Sherry’s help on the first floor, and I just continued to progress with Jaime’s help once I moved upstairs.” The team can’t wait to see Kevin again when he comes to visit the many friends he made while in the community. The team at Sans Souci does not doubt that Kevin is an amazing person who will accomplish anything he puts his mind to. Best of health and good wishes.